Longfellow student building with robotics pieces

At Rochester Public Schools, our Advanced Learning program helps meet the needs of students who are ready for more challenging content and require experiences beyond the traditional classroom setting. The Advanced Learning program begins in Elementary school, where students are first exposed to Primary Education Thinking Skills (PETS) Lessons. Then, students are eligible for Advanced Learning services beginning in 3rd grade. Advanced Learning services are offered to 3rd—to 8th-grade students, and all students receive benefits from our Advanced Learning Specialists. 

Qualifying for Advanced Learning isn't a one-size, one-entry option; though all students are evaluated on testing scores in elementary school, students can also be identified through the Primary Education Thinking Skills lessons, aka the (PETS) program, or by submitting a portfolio. Learn more about admission to the Advanced Learning program in our first article. In rare cases, students can also be admitted after careful consideration based on a student’s needs. 

Shari M., mom of two RPS students, openly shared her family’s experience. "I think it's important to note that although my son has a high IQ, he scored average on the CogAt and, therefore, would have been denied advanced learning programming without extra advocacy and identification." 

In contrast, Connie C. recognized that Advanced Learning wasn't a fit for all of her students: “With multiple kids with different skills, I, too, have recognized that Advanced Learning services isn't the right fit for all kids, but it is perfect for two of my kids based on their skills and interests.” 

Advanced Learning classes help students integrate skills they learn in a traditional classroom setting and accelerate their learning to the next level. Deeper Learning can mean different challenges for different students. Deeper learning is about preparing students to become lifelong learners and critical thinkers who are capable of solving complex problems and adapting to an ever-changing world. 

Before entering the Advanced Learning program, Shari’s son was receiving differentiated lessons to help his learning. Shari said her son had a couple of teachers who really put the effort into helping him succeed by finding ways to differentiate the corresponding work they teach. Our Advanced Learning specialists partner with traditional classroom teachers to provide differentiated lessons for their students and to engage each student’s unique learning abilities. 

Connie shared about the difference Advanced Learning classes made on her two children and their engagement in learning. "Prior to Advanced Learning classes, my kids didn't enjoy school and were bored. Now, they are both thriving and have found their place. They love the faster pace and challenge to think differently and explore topics a bit further than the traditional classroom," Connie said.

After elementary school, space for Advanced Learning becomes more limited based on the District’s current capacity to serve students with Advanced Learning needs. 

For Connie’s family, that meant her son, who was previously receiving services in elementary school, was initially waitlisted for the start of middle school. “My oldest son didn't get into the program for middle school initially. He was very bummed and waitlisted for a year.” The lack of challenge for deeper learning and not receiving the services provided through the Advanced Learning that her son had previously had impacted his attitude towards school. “He lacked motivation; he wasn't challenged and did not want to go to school. Once he got off the waitlist and entered the Advanced Learning program again at the start of 7th grade, he was a whole new person. He's a completely different kid compared to when he was in 6th grade,” said Connie. 

At the High school level, students work with their guidance counselors to decide if continuing is the best fit for their educaton. When it comes to Advanced Learning, students are allowed to “opt-in” to Advanced Placement Courses, pursue mentorships, or choose an Honors Diploma.

The Advanced Learning Program at Rochester Public Schools is crucial to help meet the needs of all our students. Advanced Learning students appreciate being with a cohort of students with similar skills and interests. These students thrive on the challenges provided by their teachers and how they allow them to think deeper or differently about various topics, also at a faster pace. Without these services, some of our most advanced students could slip through the cracks and become disengaged. 

At Rochester Public Schools, our Advanced Learning program works to serve all students, and believes that every student has unique strengths and can grow with differentiated learning opportunities. With the support of the 2024 referendum, the Advanced Learning program would have 10 years of funding through the Referendum. 

Learn more about our Advanced Learning program online.