Ignite Student Learning
2024 Referendum
Contact us:
Email: rpsvote@rochesterschools.org
Phone: 507.328.4RPS (4777)
Learn about how to vote early.
At Rochester Public Schools, we are dedicated to inspiring lifelong learners and advancing student education to meet the challenges of the future. We are proud of the progress we have made to achieve our mission: to inspire, challenge, and empower all students with the knowledge and skills required to reach their full potential, contribute to future generations, and become involved members of a global community.
Like many school districts across the state, we face a critical financial question – how do we continue to provide a quality education without adequate and stable funding?
Despite recent budget cuts and other cost control measures, Rochester Public Schools faces critical financial challenges that could force school closures, lead to larger class sizes, and jeopardize student services, educational programs and class options.
For the past six months, we engaged residents about how to address these issues. Based on their feedback, the district has put forward an investment plan called “Ignite Student Learning” that will generate $19.4 million annually through an operating levy increase.
On November 5, school district voters will consider a ballot question seeking an operating levy increase to support this plan. This additional funding would allow the district to protect class sizes, strengthen academic and career programs and provide better support services to make sure all students get the help they need.
Please explore this website to learn more about the challenges our district faces, the proposed plan to address those challenges, the cost and tax impact, and how you can make your voice heard on Election Day. If you have questions or ideas to share, please contact us.