What is on the ballot?
Approval of New School District Referendum Revenue Authorization
The board of Independent School District No. 535 (Rochester Public Schools), Minnesota has proposed to increase the School District's general education revenue by $1,133 per pupil, subject to an annual increase at the rate of inflation. The proposed new referendum revenue authorization would be first levied in 2024 for taxes payable in 2025 and applicable for ten (10) years unless otherwise revoked or reduced as provided by law. Shall the new referendum authorization proposed by the board of Independent School District No. 535 (Rochester Public Schools), Minnesota be approved?
Voters will then select "yes" or "no."
Election Dates
Early voting begins September 20, 2024.
The General Election will be held on November 5, 2024.

Register to Vote
The information below is from Olmsted County's website.
In-person or mail
Submit the Voter Registration Application to Olmsted County Elections in person or by mail.
Olmsted County Elections
2122 Campus Dr. SE Suite 300
Rochester MN, 55904
Minnesota Secretary of State's website
Register at the polls
Go to the MNvotes.org website for registration requirements and a list of documents you can use as proof of residence on election day.
Pre-registering to vote for 16- and 17-year olds
You can pre-register to vote as a 16 or 17-year-old in Minnesota. You must be 18 years old before voting.
Check to see if you’re registered
Go to the MNvotes.org website to find out if you are registered to vote at your current address.
Vote Early
Early Voting has closed.